Responding to Students

Consult with professional resources you trust. Good people to talk to are your Academic Administrator/Officer or support offices like Student Support Services, the Office of Graduate Education, the Ombuds Office, and Student Mental Health & Counseling Services.

Refer a student quickly. There are many support offices on our campus. You don’t need to worry about where you send a student. All support offices are closely connected and will get the student where they need to be. The support offices are here to support you as well. You can call and talk through any concern you have at any time.

It may be helpful to write down what you did to assist the student, to help remember the details when you next meet with them.

Step 1


You’ve recognized that your student is in distress or you are worried about them. Now what?

Step 2


Consult with your supervisor, UG/G admin, UG/G officer, and/or a support resource to strategize next steps.

You should not carry the weight of the concern on your own.

A great place to start is Student Support Services for undergraduates or GradSupport for graduate students.

Step 3


Refer the student to a support resource. The many support offices work together, so don’t worry about which one you choose. The most important thing is to get connected.