Offices designated as “confidential” will not report any information disclosed during conversations. These conversations are kept strictly confidential and, except in rare, extreme circumstances (including imminent risk of harm to self or others), nothing will be shared without the permission of the student.
Offices designated as “private” will usually keep the conversation undisclosed, but, depending on the circumstances, information may need to be shared with other Institute officials. Information needs to be shared in cases of sexual misconduct, hazing, serious concern about health and safety, or when the law requires a release of information. In such cases, information will be shared with the relevant parties who can assist with responding to the situation.
Resources for Students
- Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life
- Student Mental Health & Counseling Services
- MIT Medical
- Violence Prevention and Response
- Ombuds Office
- Academic department staff
- Faculty
- Staff
- Head of House
- Residential life teams
- Coaches
Faculty members and most staff are considered private resources of MIT.