If you need to help a student after business hours, there are a number of after-hours resources on campus.
The Dean on Call (DOC) System responds to emergency issues involving students and MIT affiliates after hours, on weekends, and any time the Institute is closed. The DOC team is composed of individuals from Residential Education and works with others in the MIT community to provide immediate response as well as follow-up in the event of a student/campus emergency or crisis. The primary focus of the system is to provide support to student(s) and communities impacted by a crisis and to provide appropriate resources, follow-up, and referrals. To contact the DOC please call MIT Police at 617-253-1212, and just ask to speak with the Dean On Call. The police will give your number to the DOC who will call you back as soon as possible.
Student Mental Health & Counseling Service’s Clinician on Call is a mental health professional who is available 24/7 to talk and provide support to students and members of the MIT community who are concerned about students. The Clinician on Call can be reached by calling 617-253-4481.
The MIT Police are focused on providing a safe campus environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. They can be contacted by calling 617-253-1212, or by dialing 100 from a campus phone.
Example referral scenario
You notice that a student does not seem to be showering and is always wearing the same clothes.